CNG car care

Operation & Maintenance Services Tariff Card
SL No. Customer Complaints/Service Request Types Sub Heads Type of Job/ Complaint Chargeable/Non Chargeable to Customer Proposed Rate Material+Services (Incl GST) Rs. Unit FIXED CHARGE (Incl GST) Rs.
1 GI & CU Installation Related Issues (Engineer Visit) a Inspectio Charge (Chargeable for every Modification) Chargeable Nil Nos. 600
b Modification-Not feasible Chargeable Nil Nos. 200
c Modification-Customer Refused Chargeable Nil Nos. 600
2 Modification/Geyser Point/Extra Point a GI Pipe 1/2" (including Material+Fittings) Chargeable 550 Mtr Nil
b GI Pipe 3/4" or 1" (including Material+Fittings) Chargeable 600 Mtr
c Copper Tube (Including Material + Fittings) Chargeable 560 Mtr
d Appliace Valve/Isolation Valve Chargeable 300 Nos.
3 Temporary Disconnection due to Renovation (Removal of Installation) a Only Appliance Valve Removal & Plug (Non-Dismatling of BGL Installation) Chargeable 300 Nos. Nil
b Complete Removal (Inside Kitchen, Lateral & Riser) Chargeable 300 Meters. 600
4 Temporary Disconnection (Personal Reason) a Appliance Valve Removal & Plug Chargeable 300 Months. Nil
b Non Non-Dismatling of GI/CU Installation Chargeable 50/- Monthly Rental
5 Forced Disconnection / Defaulter a Force Disconnection Penalty Charges for C-PNG/I-PNG Chargeable Removal + Material Cost Applicable 1500
b Force Disconnection Penalty Charges for D-PNG Chargeable Removal + Material Cost Applicable 1000
6 Permanent Disconnection a Only Appliance Valve Removal & Plug Chargeable 300 Nos. Nil
b Complete Removal (Inside Kitchen, Lateral & Riser) Chargeable 120 Meters 600
7 Restoration / Reconnection of Gas Supply a Restoration Temporary Disconnection (Personal Reason)- Re-Installation of Old AV Chargeable 300 Nos. Nil
b Restoration Temporary Disconnection(Renovation Cases) Chargeable Modification Charges Applicable
c Re-connection for D-PNG, C-PNG and I-PNG (If force disconnection done) Chargeable 1200 Nos. Nil
8 No Gas Supply (Non-Damages/Tempering of BGL Installation) Non Chargeable Free
9 Replacement or Installation of New Appliance/Isolation Valves Chargeable 300 Nos. 200
10 Replacement or Installation of New Rubbertube (Length up to 1.5mtr) Chargeable 210 Nos. 200
11 Complaint After NG Conversion a Within 15 days of Gas Supply Start Non Chargeable Free
b After 15 days of Gas Supply Start (Per Burner Chargeable) Chargeable 100 Nos. 200
12 New Stove Connection Sub Sequent to NG Conversion a New Stove Conversion/burner (Excluding supply of rubber hoses) Chargeable 100 Nos. 200
b Drilling hole in Kitchen slab/marble - If Applicable Chargeable 650 Nos.
13 flame problem a Within 15 days of New Stove Conversion Non Chargeable Free
b After 15 days of New Stove Conversion (Per Burner Chargeable) Chargeable 100 Nos. 200
14 Meter Related Issues/High Bill Issues a Excess Billing - If meter reading is wrong Non Chargeable Free
b Excess Billing - If meter reading is correct Chargeable Nil Nos. 200
c Special Meter Reading on customer request Chargeable Nil Nos. 200
d Penalty Charges(If meter is not faulty) Chargeable 1140 Nos. Nil
e Meter Replacement, If customer insisting for meter change without any faults chargeable 4000* Nos. Nil
15 Remeasurement of PNG Installation/Extra Pipe a If Measurement found incorrect Non Chargeable free
b If Measurement found correct Chargeable 1000 Nos. Nil
16 MDPE Pipeline Shifting / TF Shifting (Including RCC Guard) & Extension/Removal a MDPE End Cap/Plug(If Applicable) Chargeable 1000 Nos. Permission/Liason-3000(For Outside of customer premises)
b Transition Fitting & RCC Guard Installation Chargeable 2250 Nos.
c MDPE 20 mm Chargeable 680 Meters
d MDPE 32 mm Chargeable 770 Meters
17 Emergency Call Leakage a Leakage from GI/CU Pipeline, Fittings/Meter/Regular/MDPE(Non-damages/Tempering by customer) Non Chargeable Free
b Leakage from GI/CU Pipeline, Fittings/Meter/Regular/MDPE(Damages/tempering by customer) Chargeable Modification Charges Applicable + Material Cost Penalty Charges - 3000
18 Damage/Tempering to BGL Installations Chargeable Modification Charges Applicable + Material Cost Penalty Charges - 3000